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Linked Entity Attribute Pair (LEAP): A Harmonization Framework for Data Pooling.Academic Article Why?
Meta-Analysis as TopicConcept Why?
Editorial Commentary: Meta-analyses Are on the Rise, but Are We Learning More?Academic Article Why?
Genome-wide association meta-analyses and fine-mapping elucidate pathways influencing albuminuria.Academic Article Why?
Meta-analysis minus the analysis: a prescription for confusion.Academic Article Why?
Meta-analysis: an introduction into a research process.Academic Article Why?
Meta-analysis of gene-environment interaction: joint estimation of SNP and SNP × environment regression coefficients.Academic Article Why?
D'Agostino, RalphPerson Why?
A method to gain a sense of relative efficacy of acne medications that have not yet been studied.Academic Article Why?
A null variant in the apolipoprotein L3 gene is associated with non-diabetic nephropathy.Academic Article Why?
Behavioral headache treatment: history, review of the empirical literature, and methodological critique.Academic Article Why?
Clinical inquiry: do patients with type 2 diabetes who aren't taking insulin benefit from self-monitoring blood glucose?Academic Article Why?
Common variants at 12q14 and 12q24 are associated with hippocampal volume.Academic Article Why?
Comparing the diagnostic accuracy of dermatologists and nondermatologists.Academic Article Why?
Genetics of asthma susceptibility and severity.Academic Article Why?
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