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Search Results (38)

Ainsworth, HannahPerson Why?
Genome-wide fine-mapping of metabolic traits in heterogeneous stock ratsGrant Why?
Mapping T2DM Genes in GENNID FamiliesGrant Why?
Genetics of Adiposity and Glucose HomeostasisGrant Why?
Systems Genetics of Adiposity Traits in Outbred RatsGrant Why?
Solberg Woods, LeahPerson Why?
Effects of Rare Variants and Ancestry on Beta Agonist Response In AsthmaGrant Why?
Das, SwapanPerson Why?
Wagenknecht, LynnePerson Why?
Using Heterogeneous Stocks for Fine-Mapping Genetically Complex Traits.Academic Article Why?
Freedman, BarryPerson Why?
Langefeld, CarlPerson Why?
Howard, TimothyPerson Why?
Cox, LauraPerson Why?
Allred, NicholettePerson Why?
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  • Genetic
  • Fine
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