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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Czoty, Paul
Item TypeName
Academic Article Drug discrimination in methamphetamine-trained monkeys: effects of monoamine transporter inhibitors.
Academic Article Assessment of the relative reinforcing strength of cocaine in socially housed monkeys using a choice procedure.
Academic Article Influence of abstinence and conditions of cocaine access on the reinforcing strength of cocaine in nonhuman primates.
Academic Article Effects of ambient temperature on the relative reinforcing strength of MDMA using a choice procedure in monkeys.
Academic Article Brain imaging in nonhuman primates: insights into drug addiction.
Academic Article Review. Positron emission tomography imaging studies of dopamine receptors in primate models of addiction.
Academic Article Effect of time-out duration on the reinforcing strength of cocaine assessed under a progressive-ratio schedule in rhesus monkeys.
Academic Article Effects of chronic d-amphetamine administration on the reinforcing strength of cocaine in rhesus monkeys.
Academic Article Prolonged attenuation of the reinforcing strength of cocaine by chronic d-amphetamine in rhesus monkeys.
Academic Article Social dominance in female monkeys: dopamine receptor function and cocaine reinforcement.
Academic Article Effects of dopamine D2/D3 receptor ligands on food-cocaine choice in socially housed male cynomolgus monkeys.
Academic Article Comparative behavioral pharmacology of cocaine and the selective dopamine uptake inhibitor RTI-113 in the squirrel monkey.
Academic Article Characterization of dopamine D1 and D2 receptor function in socially housed cynomolgus monkeys self-administering cocaine.
Academic Article Methamphetamine discrimination and in vivo microdialysis in squirrel monkeys.
Academic Article Long-term cocaine self-administration under fixed-ratio and second-order schedules in monkeys.
Academic Article The influence of reinforcing effects of cocaine on cocaine-induced increases in extinguished responding in cynomolgus monkeys.
Academic Article Ambient temperature effects on 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine-induced thermodysregulation and pharmacokinetics in male monkeys.
Academic Article Influence of thyroid hormones on 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine-induced thermogenesis and reinforcing strength in monkeys.
Academic Article Relationship between response rates and measures of reinforcing strength using a choice procedure in monkeys.
Academic Article Lower reinforcing strength of the phenyltropane cocaine analogs RTI-336 and RTI-177 compared to cocaine in nonhuman primates.
Academic Article Individual differences in the effects of environmental stimuli on cocaine choice in socially housed male cynomolgus monkeys.
Academic Article Pharmacological interactions between serotonin and dopamine on behavior in the squirrel monkey.
Academic Article Cocaine-induced changes in extracellular dopamine determined by microdialysis in awake squirrel monkeys.
Academic Article Behavioral effects of AMI-193, a 5-HT(2A)- and dopamine D(2)-receptor antagonist, in the squirrel monkey.
Concept Receptors, Dopamine D3
Concept Pyridines
Concept Receptor, Serotonin, 5-HT1A
Concept Membrane Glycoproteins
Concept Receptors, Dopamine D2
Concept Membrane Transport Proteins
Concept N-Methyl-3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine
Concept Drug Partial Agonism
Concept Deoxyepinephrine
Concept Nicotinic Agonists
Concept Estradiol
Concept Quinpirole
Concept Receptors, Opioid
Concept Norepinephrine
Concept Quinoxalines
Concept Methylphenidate
Concept Cocaine
Concept Methamphetamine
Concept Spiro Compounds
Concept Food
Concept Progesterone
Concept Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein
Concept Ligands
Concept Serotonin Agents
Concept Receptor, Serotonin, 5-HT2A
Concept 8-Hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino)tetralin
Concept Buprenorphine
Concept Receptors, Serotonin
Concept Analgesics, Opioid
Concept Injections, Spinal
Concept Opioid Peptides
Concept Injections, Subcutaneous
Concept Hydrocortisone
Concept Serotonin Uptake Inhibitors
Concept Drug Interactions
Concept Dose-Response Relationship, Drug
Concept Dopamine Antagonists
Concept Alanine
Concept Oxycodone
Concept Drug Evaluation, Preclinical
Concept Aza Compounds
Concept Dopamine
Concept Serotonin Antagonists
Concept Tropanes
Concept Receptors, Opioid, mu
Concept Dopamine Uptake Inhibitors
Concept Drug Synergism
Concept Serotonin Plasma Membrane Transport Proteins
Concept Nicotinic Antagonists
Concept Dopamine Agonists
Concept Phenmetrazine
Concept Naltrexone
Concept Piperazines
Concept 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine
Concept Dexamethasone
Concept Injections, Intramuscular
Concept Drug Administration Schedule
Concept Buspirone
Concept Central Nervous System Stimulants
Concept Morphine
Concept Nicotine
Concept Thyroxine
Concept Quinolones
Concept Homovanillic Acid
Concept Drug Discovery
Concept Dopamine Agents
Concept Membrane Transport Modulators
Concept Drug Design
Concept Drug Tolerance
Concept Receptors, Dopamine
Concept Mecamylamine
Concept Quipazine
Concept Serotonin
Concept Azabicyclo Compounds
Concept Carbon Isotopes
Concept Adrenocorticotropic Hormone
Concept Ethanol
Concept Hallucinogens
Concept Dextroamphetamine
Concept Benzamides
Concept Receptors, Dopamine D1
Concept Testosterone
Concept Glucocorticoids
Concept Raclopride
Concept Fluorine Radioisotopes
Concept Carboxylic Ester Hydrolases
Concept Piperidines
Concept Morpholines
Concept Dopamine Plasma Membrane Transport Proteins
Concept Benzazepines
Concept Benzylamines
Concept Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid
Concept Nerve Tissue Proteins
Concept Injections, Intravenous
Concept Glucose
Academic Article Effects of chronic methylphenidate on cocaine self-administration under a progressive-ratio schedule of reinforcement in rhesus monkeys.
Academic Article Effects of oral and intravenous administration of buspirone on food-cocaine choice in socially housed male cynomolgus monkeys.
Academic Article Identifying Medication Targets for Psychostimulant Addiction: Unraveling the Dopamine D3 Receptor Hypothesis.
Academic Article Effects of chronic binge-like ethanol consumption on cocaine self-administration in rhesus monkeys.
Academic Article Attenuation of cocaine self-administration by chronic oral phendimetrazine in rhesus monkeys.
Academic Article Evaluation of the "Pipeline" for Development of Medications for Cocaine Use Disorder: A Review of Translational Preclinical, Human Laboratory, and Clinical Trial Research.
Academic Article A novel orvinol analog, BU08028, as a safe opioid analgesic without abuse liability in primates.
Academic Article Lack of effect of ethanol on cocaine prime-induced reinstatement of extinguished cocaine self-administration in rhesus monkeys.
Grant Brain imaging and cognitive effects of cocaine self-administration in monkeys
Grant Cocaine discrimination, self-administration and microdialysis in monkeys
Grant Interactions of Ethanol & Cocaine Self-Administration in Monkeys
Academic Article Effects of social reorganization on dopamine D2/D3 receptor availability and cocaine self-administration in male cynomolgus monkeys.
Academic Article A bifunctional nociceptin and mu opioid receptor agonist is analgesic without opioid side effects in nonhuman primates.
Academic Article Yawning elicited by intravenous ethanol in rhesus monkeys with experience self-administering cocaine and ethanol: Involvement of dopamine D3 receptors.
Academic Article BU10038 as a safe opioid analgesic with fewer side-effects after systemic and intrathecal administration in primates.
Academic Article Effect of menstrual cycle on ethanol drinking in rhesus monkeys.
Academic Article Effects of stimulation of mu opioid and nociceptin/orphanin FQ peptide (NOP) receptors on alcohol drinking in rhesus monkeys.
Grant NOP Receptors in nonhuman primate models of AUD
Search Criteria
  • Injection
  • Drug
  • Use