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Re: Inactivation of androgen-induced regulator ARD1 inhibits androgen receptor acetylation and prostate tumorigenesis.
Role of cancer stem cells in spine tumors: review of current literature.
Excessive argatroban anticoagulation for heparin-induced thrombocytopenia.
Effects of rare and common blood pressure gene variants on essential hypertension: results from the Family Blood Pressure Program, CLUE, and Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities studies.
Evaluation of a neonatal growth curve designed for an electronic health record.
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Evaluation of a neonatal growth curve designed for an electronic health record.
Porcelli PJ, Rosenbloom ST. Evaluation of a neonatal growth curve designed for an electronic health record. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2006; 1066.
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subject areas
Infant, Newborn
Infant, Premature
Infant, Very Low Birth Weight
Medical Records Systems, Computerized
Reference Values
authors with profiles
Peter J. Porcelli MD