History (40)
Reduced Apolipoprotein M and Adverse Outcomes Across the Spectrum of Human Heart Failure.
Mitochondrial dysfunction in human immunodeficiency virus-1 transgenic mouse cardiac myocytes.
Non-coding variants in MYH11, FZD3, and SORCS3 are associated with dementia in women.
Cost analysis of carotid endarterectomy: is age a factor?
Time-series analysis of stress and headache
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Time-series analysis of stress and headache
Mosley, T.H., Penzien, D.B., Johnson, C.A., Brantley, P.J., Wittrock, D.A., Andrew, M.E., & Payne, T.J. . Time-series analysis of stress and headache. Cephalalgia. 1991; 11:306-307.
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Donald B. Penzien PhD