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Prediabetes and Risk for Cardiovascular Disease by Hypertension Status in Black Adults: The Jackson Heart Study.
Hepatic peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor ? and a-mRNA expression in HCV-infected adults is decreased by HIV co-infection and is also affected by ethnicity.
The role of DJ-1 in human primary alveolar type II cell injury induced by e-cigarette aerosol.
Everolimus plus exemestane as first-line therapy in HR?, HER2? advanced breast cancer in BOLERO-2.
Gout As a Predictor of Total Knee Arthroplasty Outcomes and Costs.
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Gout As a Predictor of Total Knee Arthroplasty Outcomes and Costs.
Rosas S, Zuskov A, Luo TD, Roche MW, Emory CL, Plate JF. Gout As a Predictor of Total Knee Arthroplasty Outcomes and Costs. J Knee Surg. 2020 Aug 24.
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Cynthia L. Emory MD, MBA