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Developing an NIA Research Centers Collaborative Network (RCCN)
Electrocardiographic J Wave and Cardiovascular Outcomes in the General Population (from the Atherosclerosis Risk In Communities Study).
Interleukin-17 inhibition: role in psoriasis and inflammatory bowel disease.
A descriptive study of morbidity and mortality conferences and their conformity to medical incident analysis models: results of the morbidity and mortality conference improvement study, phase 1.
Improving medical student recruitment to neurosurgery.
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Improving medical student recruitment to neurosurgery.
Lubelski D, Xiao R, Mukherjee D, Ashley WW, Witham T, Brem H, Huang J, Wolfe SQ. Improving medical student recruitment to neurosurgery. J Neurosurg. 2019 Aug 09; 1-7.
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Stacey Q. Wolfe MD