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Diminished single-stimulus response in vmPFC to favorite people in children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Altered Proteome of Extracellular Vesicles Derived from Bladder Cancer Patients Urine.
Taste and smell disturbances after brain irradiation: a dose-volume histogram analysis of a prospective observational study.
Changes in gene expression during the early to mid-luteal (receptive phase) transition in human endometrium detected by high-density microarray screening.
Improving medical student recruitment to neurosurgery.
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Improving medical student recruitment to neurosurgery.
Lubelski D, Xiao R, Mukherjee D, Ashley WW, Witham T, Brem H, Huang J, Wolfe SQ. Improving medical student recruitment to neurosurgery. J Neurosurg. 2019 Aug 09; 1-7.
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Stacey Q. Wolfe MD