History (31)
Research Pearls: The Significance of Statistics and Perils of Pooling. Part 2: Predictive Modeling.
Effects of randomization to intensive glucose control on adverse events, cardiovascular disease, and mortality in older versus younger adults in the ACCORD Trial.
Insulin resistance syndrome and Alzheimer's disease: age- and obesity-related effects on memory, amyloid, and inflammation.
MUC16 expression and risk of adenocarcinoma metastases to peritoneum, pleura, leptomeninges, and brain.
An Unexpected Case of Scurvy in a Peritoneal Dialysis Patient.
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An Unexpected Case of Scurvy in a Peritoneal Dialysis Patient.
El Khoury R, Warren M, Ali S, Pirkle JL. An Unexpected Case of Scurvy in a Peritoneal Dialysis Patient. Case Rep Nephrol Dial. 2017 Sep-Dec; 7(3):172-177.
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James L. Pirkle MD