History (23)
Synthesis and Initial In Vivo Evaluations of [11C]WX-132-18B, a Microtubule PET Imaging Agent
(Pro)renin receptor knockdown in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus attenuates hypertension development and AT1 receptor-mediated calcium events.
Interleukin-8 and hIRH (SDF1-alpha/PBSF) mRNA expression and histological activity index in patients with chronic hepatitis C.
Characteristics of persons who inject drugs and who witness opioid overdoses in Vietnam: a cross-sectional analysis to inform future overdose prevention programs.
Intracellular S100A9 Promotes Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells during Late Sepsis.
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Intracellular S100A9 Promotes Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells during Late Sepsis.
Dai J, Kumbhare A, Youssef D, McCall CE, El Gazzar M. Intracellular S100A9 Promotes Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells during Late Sepsis. Front Immunol. 2017; 8:1565.
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Charles E. McCall MD