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Coffman, Zachary
Heart Rate Fragmentation as a Novel Biomarker of Adverse Cardiovascular Events: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis.
Physical Activity States of Preschool-Aged Latino Children in Farmworker Families: Predictive Factors and Relationship With BMI Percentile.
Agreement between cardiac output estimation by multi-beat analysis of arterial blood pressure waveforms and continuous thermodilution in post cardiac surgery intensive care unit patients.
New Concepts in an Old Disease: Exercise Intolerance in Moderate Mitral Stenosis.
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New Concepts in an Old Disease: Exercise Intolerance in Moderate Mitral Stenosis.
Kitzman DW, Upadhya B, Zhao D. New Concepts in an Old Disease: Exercise Intolerance in Moderate Mitral Stenosis. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2017 06; 10(6):634-636.
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Exercise Tolerance
Mitral Valve Stenosis
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Dalane W. Kitzman MD
David X. Zhao MD