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Interleukin-17 inhibition: role in psoriasis and inflammatory bowel disease.
A descriptive study of morbidity and mortality conferences and their conformity to medical incident analysis models: results of the morbidity and mortality conference improvement study, phase 1.
Injury risk curves in far-side lateral motor vehicle crashes by AIS level, body region and injury code.
Contemporary Surgical Trends in the Management of Symptomatic Meniscal Tears among United States Military Servicemembers from 2010 to 2015.
Pancreas Transplantation: An Alarming Crisis in Confidence.
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Pancreas Transplantation: An Alarming Crisis in Confidence.
Stratta RJ, Gruessner AC, Odorico JS, Fridell JA, Gruessner RW. Pancreas Transplantation: An Alarming Crisis in Confidence. Am J Transplant. 2016 09; 16(9):2556-62.
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Graft Rejection
Graft Survival
Pancreas Transplantation
Survival Rate
Tissue and Organ Procurement
Treatment Outcome
United States
authors with profiles
Robert J. Stratta MD