History (7)
Endometrial gene expression in early pregnancy: lessons from human ectopic pregnancy.
Improving Health Professions Students' Understanding of Interprofessional Roles Through Participation in a Patient Stabilization Simulation.
Trajectories of Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Incidence of Atrial Fibrillation Over a 25-Year Follow-Up: The ARIC Study (Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities).
Biomechanical analysis of a temporomandibular joint condylar prosthesis during various clenching tasks.
Exocrine drainage in vascularized pancreas transplantation in the new millennium.
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Exocrine drainage in vascularized pancreas transplantation in the new millennium.
El-Hennawy H, Stratta RJ, Smith F. Exocrine drainage in vascularized pancreas transplantation in the new millennium. World J Transplant. 2016 Jun 24; 6(2):255-71.
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Robert J. Stratta MD