History (2)
Incidence and survival of hospitalized acute decompensated heart failure in four US communities (from the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study).
Troponin T nuclear localization and its role in aging skeletal muscle.
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Distributed Interoperable Research Experts Collaboration Tool (DIRECT)
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DIRECT is pilot project to demonstrate federated search across multiple institutions.
Below are the number of matching people at participating institutions. Click an institution name to view the list of people. As you move your mouse over the different institution names, you will see important notes about that institution's data on the right and a preview/summary of the matching people at the bottom of this page.
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Arizona State University
Boston University
Charles R Drew University of Medicine and Science
Cornell University
Harvard University
Indiana CTSI
Indiana University School of Medicine
John Hopkins University
Kanazawa University
MD Anderson
Medical Collage of Georgia
MEHARRY Medical Collage
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Michigan Alliance for Clinical and Translational Science
National Institute of Immunology (India)
Northwestern University
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Oregon Health & Science University
Pennsylvania State University
Ponce School of Medicine
RTRN (18 RCMI Institutions)
South Carolina (HSSC/SCTR)
Stanford University School of Medicine
The Scripps Research Institute
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
UCDAVIS Health System
Universitat de Barcelona Campus of International Excellence
University of California, San Francisco
University of Connecticut Health Center
University of Florida
University of Illinois at Chicago
University of Iowa
University of Maryland
University of Massachusetts Medical School
University of Miami
University of Michigan
University of Minnesota
University of Nebraska
University of Pittsburgh
UT Health Science Center
Washington University in St. Louis
Weill Cornell Medical College
Data Comments
Important information about an institution's data will appear here when you place your mouse over the institution's name.