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Search Results
Hill, Keith
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to
Hill, Keith
Item Type
Patient Education as Topic
Academic Article
Patient education to prevent falls in subacute care.
Academic Article
Additional exercise for older subacute hospital inpatients to prevent falls: benefits and barriers to implementation and evaluation.
Academic Article
Effectiveness of falls clinics: an evaluation of outcomes and client adherence to recommended interventions.
Academic Article
Evaluation of the effect of patient education on rates of falls in older hospital patients: description of a randomised controlled trial.
Academic Article
A randomized trial comparing digital video disc with written delivery of falls prevention education for older patients in hospital.
Academic Article
Measuring falls events in acute hospitals-a comparison of three reporting methods to identify missing data in the hospital reporting system.
Academic Article
What works in falls prevention after stroke?: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Academic Article
Patient education to prevent falls among older hospital inpatients: a randomized controlled trial.
Academic Article
Falls after discharge from hospital: is there a gap between older peoples' knowledge about falls prevention strategies and the research evidence?
Academic Article
Evaluation of the sustained effect of inpatient falls prevention education and predictors of falls after hospital discharge--follow-up to a randomized controlled trial.
Academic Article
Effects of a multifactorial falls prevention program for people with stroke returning home after rehabilitation: a randomized controlled trial.
Academic Article
Osteo-cise: strong bones for life: protocol for a community-based randomised controlled trial of a multi-modal exercise and osteoporosis education program for older adults at risk of falls and fractures.
Academic Article
Feasibility, safety and preliminary evidence of the effectiveness of a home-based exercise programme for older people with Alzheimer's disease: a pilot randomized controlled trial.
Academic Article
Cost effectiveness of patient education for the prevention of falls in hospital: economic evaluation from a randomized controlled trial.
Academic Article
"We are all one together": peer educators' views about falls prevention education for community-dwelling older adults--a qualitative study.
Academic Article
Depressive symptoms and adverse outcomes from hospitalization in older adults: secondary outcomes of a trial of falls prevention education.
Search Criteria
Patient Education as Topic