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This page shows the details of why an item matched the keywords from your search.
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Flashman, Laura
Item TypeName
Academic Article The brainstem: anatomy, assessment, and clinical syndromes.
Concept Neuropsychological Tests
Academic Article Methylphenidate and Memory and Attention Adaptation Training for Persistent Cognitive Symptoms after Traumatic Brain Injury: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial.
Academic Article Genetic pathway-based hierarchical clustering analysis of older adults with cognitive complaints and amnestic mild cognitive impairment using clinical and neuroimaging phenotypes.
Academic Article Selective changes in white matter integrity in MCI and older adults with cognitive complaints.
Academic Article Alpha-2 adrenergic challenge with guanfacine one month after mild traumatic brain injury: altered working memory and BOLD response.
Academic Article Effect of the dopamine D2 receptor T allele on response latency after mild traumatic brain injury.
Academic Article Inferential-reasoning impairment in schizophrenia-spectrum disorders.
Academic Article Nonclinical obsessive-compulsive symptoms and executive functions in schizophrenia.
Academic Article Dopaminergic challenge with bromocriptine one month after mild traumatic brain injury: altered working memory and BOLD response.
Academic Article Long-term seizure, cognitive, and psychiatric outcome following trans-middle temporal gyrus amygdalohippocampectomy and standard temporal lobectomy.
Academic Article Contribution of organizational strategy to verbal learning and memory in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Academic Article Increased brain activation during working memory in cognitively intact adults with the APOE epsilon4 allele.
Academic Article Subjective rating of working memory is associated with frontal lobe volume in schizophrenia.
Academic Article Associations between neuropsychiatric and health status outcomes in individuals with probable mTBI.
Academic Article Test-retest, retest, and retest: Growth curve models of repeat testing with Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing (ImPACT).
Academic Article Self- and informant reports of executive function on the BRIEF-A in MCI and older adults with cognitive complaints.
Academic Article Performance on the Cognitive Estimation Test in schizophrenia.
Academic Article Investigating social cognition in epilepsy using a naturalistic task.
Academic Article Differential memory test sensitivity for diagnosing amnestic mild cognitive impairment and predicting conversion to Alzheimer's disease.
Academic Article Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial of Methylphenidate or Galantamine for Persistent Emotional and Cognitive Symptoms Associated with PTSD and/or Traumatic Brain Injury.
Academic Article Verbal fluency performance in amnestic MCI and older adults with cognitive complaints.
Academic Article Apathy in schizophrenia: reduced frontal lobe volume and neuropsychological deficits.
Academic Article Recovery of episodic memory subprocesses in mild and complicated mild traumatic brain injury at 1 and 12 months post injury.
Academic Article CVLT-II Forced Choice Recognition Trial as an Embedded Validity Indicator: A Systematic Review of the Evidence.
Academic Article Cavum septum pellucidum in schizophrenia: clinical and neuropsychological correlates.
Academic Article Executive dysfunction following traumatic brain injury: neural substrates and treatment strategies.
Academic Article Neuropsychological impairment in borderline personality disorder.
Academic Article Cholinergic enhancement of frontal lobe activity in mild cognitive impairment.
Academic Article The fornix and mammillary bodies in older adults with Alzheimer's disease, mild cognitive impairment, and cognitive complaints: a volumetric MRI study.
Academic Article Comparison of season-long diffusivity measures in a cohort of non-concussed contact and non-contact athletes.
Search Criteria
  • Neuropsychological Tests