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Search Results
Mcclain, Donald
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to
Mcclain, Donald
Item Type
Muscle Proteins
Academic Article
A role for the transcriptional coactivator PGC-1alpha in muscle refueling.
Academic Article
Early mitochondrial adaptations in skeletal muscle to diet-induced obesity are strain dependent and determine oxidative stress and energy expenditure but not insulin sensitivity.
Academic Article
Activation of the hexosamine signaling pathway in adipose tissue results in decreased serum adiponectin and skeletal muscle insulin resistance.
Academic Article
Adipocytes with increased hexosamine flux exhibit insulin resistance, increased glucose uptake, and increased synthesis and storage of lipid.
Academic Article
Downregulation of E3 ubiquitin ligases and mitophagy-related genes in skeletal muscle of physically inactive, frail older women: a cross-sectional comparison.
Academic Article
Skeletal muscle Ras-related GTP binding B mRNA and protein expression is increased after essential amino acid ingestion in healthy humans.
Academic Article
Insulin signaling coordinately regulates cardiac size, metabolism, and contractile protein isoform expression.
Academic Article
Altered glycan-dependent signaling induces insulin resistance and hyperleptinemia.
Search Criteria
Muscle Proteins