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Search Results
McCool, Brian
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to
McCool, Brian
Item Type
Academic Article
Ethanol-induced regulation of GABA-A subunit mRNAs in prefrontal fields of cynomolgus monkeys.
Academic Article
Long-term ethanol self-administration by the nonhuman primate, Macaca fascicularis, decreases the benzodiazepine sensitivity of amygdala GABA(A) receptors.
Academic Article
Early social isolation in male Long-Evans rats alters both appetitive and consummatory behaviors expressed during operant ethanol self-administration.
Academic Article
Using monosodium glutamate to initiate ethanol self-administration in inbred mouse strains.
Academic Article
Ethanol modulation of synaptic plasticity.
Academic Article
Adolescent rearing conditions influence the relationship between initial anxiety-like behavior and ethanol drinking in male Long Evans rats.
Academic Article
Chronic ethanol ingestion modulates proanxiety factors expressed in rat central amygdala.
Alcohol Drinking
Academic Article
Persistent enhancement of ethanol drinking following a monosodium glutamate-substitution procedure in C57BL6/J and DBA/2J mice.
Academic Article
Social isolation rearing increases nucleus accumbens dopamine and norepinephrine responses to acute ethanol in adulthood.
Academic Article
Chronic intermittent ethanol inhalation increases ethanol self-administration in both C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mice.
Academic Article
Microstructural analysis of rat ethanol and water drinking patterns using a modified operant self-administration model.
Academic Article
Chronic ethanol exposure increases voluntary home cage intake in adult male, but not female, Long-Evans rats.
Academic Article
Supersensitive Kappa Opioid Receptors Promotes Ethanol Withdrawal-Related Behaviors and Reduce Dopamine Signaling in the Nucleus Accumbens.
Academic Article
SNARE Complex-Associated Proteins in the Lateral Amygdala of Macaca mulatta Following Long-Term Ethanol Drinking.
Search Criteria
Alcohol Drinking