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Search Results
Hayden, Kathleen
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to
Hayden, Kathleen
Item Type
Neuropsychological Tests
Academic Article
Neuropsychological performance in advanced age: influences of demographic factors and Apolipoprotein E: findings from the Cache County Memory Study.
Academic Article
Better cognitive performance in elderly taking antioxidant vitamins E and C supplements in combination with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: the Cache County Study.
Academic Article
Cerebrovascular smooth muscle actin is increased in nondemented subjects with frequent senile plaques at autopsy: implications for the pathogenesis of Alzheimer disease.
Academic Article
Effects of family history and apolipoprotein E epsilon4 status on cognitive decline in the absence of Alzheimer dementia: the Cache County Study.
Academic Article
Operationalizing diagnostic criteria for Alzheimer's disease and other age-related cognitive impairment-Part 1.
Academic Article
Factor structure of the National Alzheimer's Coordinating Centers uniform dataset neuropsychological battery: an evaluation of invariance between and within groups over time.
Academic Article
Epidemiology of cognitive aging and Alzheimer's disease: contributions of the cache county utah study of memory, health and aging.
Academic Article
Prevalence of neuropsychiatric symptoms in CIND and its subtypes: the Cache County Study.
Academic Article
A homopolymer polymorphism in the TOMM40 gene contributes to cognitive performance in aging.
Academic Article
Pre-clinical cognitive phenotypes for Alzheimer disease: a latent profile approach.
Academic Article
A comparison of neuropsychological performance between US and Russia: preparing for a global clinical trial.
Academic Article
Dementia: the leading predictor of death in a defined elderly population: the Cache County Study.
Academic Article
Does NSAID use modify cognitive trajectories in the elderly? The Cache County study.
Academic Article
Vascular factors predict rate of progression in Alzheimer disease.
Academic Article
Effects of cardiovascular medications on rate of functional decline in Alzheimer disease.
Academic Article
Occupational exposure to pesticides increases the risk of incident AD: the Cache County study.
Academic Article
Neuropsychiatric symptoms as risk factors for progression from CIND to dementia: the Cache County Study.
Academic Article
Long-term Effects on Cognitive Trajectories of Postmenopausal Hormone Therapy in Two Age Groups.
Academic Article
Cognitive resilience among APOE e4 carriers in the oldest old.
Search Criteria
Neuropsychological Tests