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Search Results (282)

National Comprehensive Cancer Network Recommendations on Molecular Profiling of Advanced Bladder Cancer.Academic Article Why?
Biomarker discovery using molecular profiling approaches.Academic Article Why?
Molecular profiling of midbrain dopamine regions in cocaine overdose victims.Academic Article Why?
The future of bladder research: molecular profiling, new drug targets, gene therapy, and tissue engineering.Academic Article Why?
Prospective molecular profiling of melanoma metastases suggests classifiers of immune responsiveness.Academic Article Why?
ASO Author Reflections: Molecular Profiling Can Provide Personalized Clinical Guidance in the Management of Peritoneal Malignancies.Academic Article Why?
Molecular profiling of primary uveal melanomas with tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes.Academic Article Why?
Molecular and functional profiling of memory CD8 T cell differentiation.Academic Article Why?
Peters, AnthonyPerson Why?
Molecular changes from dysplastic nodule to hepatocellular carcinoma through gene expression profiling.Academic Article Why?
Molecular and cellular profiling of acute responses to total body radiation exposure in ovariectomized female cynomolgus macaques.Academic Article Why?
Comprehensive gene expression profiling and immunohistochemical studies support application of immunophenotypic algorithm for molecular subtype classification in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: a report from the International DLBCL Rituximab-CHOP Consortium Program Study.Academic Article Why?
Poole, LesliePerson Why?
Walker, StephenPerson Why?
Profiling of Redox-Sensitive Signaling ProteinsGrant Why?
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