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Search Results (101)

Godwin, DwaynePerson Why?
Re: L-type calcium channel modulates cystic kidney phenotype.Academic Article Why?
Charge movement and transcription regulation of L-type calcium channel alpha(1S) in skeletal muscle cells.Academic Article Why?
Diurnal gene expression patterns of T-type calcium channels and their modulation by ethanol.Academic Article Why?
Delbono, OsvaldoPerson Why?
Calcium Channels, L-TypeConcept Why?
Calcium Channels, N-TypeConcept Why?
Calcium Channels, P-TypeConcept Why?
Calcium Channels, Q-TypeConcept Why?
Calcium Channels, R-TypeConcept Why?
Calcium Channels, T-TypeConcept Why?
Timed sequential therapy of the selective T-type calcium channel blocker mibefradil and temozolomide in patients with recurrent high-grade gliomas.Academic Article Why?
IgG from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients increases current through P-type calcium channels in mammalian cerebellar Purkinje cells and in isolated channel protein in lipid bilayer.Academic Article Why?
Protein kinase C epsilon-mediated modulation of T-type calcium channels underlies alcohol withdrawal hyperexcitability in the midline thalamus.Academic Article Why?
Relative contributions of G protein, channel, and receptor to voltage-dependent inhibition of neuronal N-type and P/Q-type calcium channels in HEK 293 cell lines.Academic Article Why?
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