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Search Results (176)

Naltrexone vs Placebo for the Treatment of Alcohol Dependence: A Randomized Clinical Trial.Academic Article Why?
Neuroimaging of rodent and primate models of alcoholism: initial reports from the integrative neuroscience initiative on alcoholism.Academic Article Why?
Adolescent Social Isolation as a Model of Heightened Vulnerability to Comorbid Alcoholism and Anxiety Disorders.Academic Article Why?
Multilocus and interaction-based genome scan for alcoholism risk factors in Caucasian Americans: the COGA study.Academic Article Why?
Early Stress &Alcoholism: Functional Analyses in BrainGrant Why?
McCool, BrianPerson Why?
ALDH2 is associated to alcohol dependence and is the major genetic determinant of "daily maximum drinks" in a GWAS study of an isolated rural Chinese sample.Academic Article Why?
Demographic and social adjustment characteristics of patients with comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder and alcohol dependence: potential pitfalls to PTSD treatment.Academic Article Why?
Effect of electronic brief intervention on uptake of specialty treatment in hospital outpatients with likely alcohol dependence: Pilot randomized trial and qualitative interviews.Academic Article Why?
The longitudinal association between depression, anxiety symptoms and HIV outcomes, and the modifying effect of alcohol dependence among ART clients with hazardous alcohol use in Vietnam.Academic Article Why?
Godwin, DwaynePerson Why?
Early Stress &Alcoholism: Neurobiological AnalysisGrant Why?
AlcoholismConcept Why?
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (U.S.)Concept Why?
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  • Alcohol Dependence
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