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Search Results (120)

Exploring the Neurochemical Basis of Alcohol Addiction-Related Behaviors: Translational Research.Academic Article Why?
Temporally specific miRNA expression patterns in the dorsal and ventral striatum of addiction-prone rats.Academic Article Why?
Conference--Scientific Approaches to Drug AddictionGrant Why?
Dynorphin/Kappa Opioid Receptor Signaling in Preclinical Models of Alcohol, Drug, and Food Addiction.Academic Article Why?
Nicotinic ACh Receptors and Noradrenergic Neurotransmission in Nicotine AddictionGrant Why?
Addiction Studies Program for JournalistsGrant Why?
Center for Opioid and Cocaine Addiction (COCA)Grant Why?
The role of dopamine mechanisms in the development of addiction to cocaineGrant Why?
Translational Studies on Early-life Stress and Vulnerability to Alcohol AddictionGrant Why?
Addiction Studies Program for State LegislaturesGrant Why?
Animal Models of Cocaine AddictionGrant Why?
Center for the Neurobiology of Addiction TreatmentGrant Why?
Multidisciplinary Training in the Biology of Alcohol AddictionGrant Why?
"I Was Raised in Addiction": Constructions of the Self and the Other in Discourses of Addiction and Recovery.Academic Article Why?
Regulatory oversight of behavioral digital therapeutics for addiction treatment: A commentary on Khadjesari et al.Academic Article Why?
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